UWA Triathlon Club Member Survey

Dear Member,  

We are on a mission to provide a better experience to our members. 
You can help by helping us better understand why you joined our club and what achievements and experiences you seek for 2020/21.

All we ask from you is to complete a few questions below. Please be honest in your responses and really think about the questions. 

If you prefer, your response can be anonymous.  

This survey is being conducted by Triathlon WA and Amazing Clubs on behalf of UWA Triathlon Club.
1.What's your name? (Optional)
2.What best describes how you engage with the Club? (select all that apply)
3.Why did you first join the club?
4.What would you like to achieve this season?
5.How could the club help you achieve this goal?
6.What would you like to experience from being a club member?
7.Is there something different the club could be doing to help you?
8.Do you have any general comments or feedback to help the club retain members?