You are joining a CAUDIT Community of Practice

Join the CAUDIT IT Procurement Community by completing your information below.  Membership is open to IT, Library and eResearch staff from CAUDIT Member Institutions.  If you are outside of this, permission from the Community should be sought before you are added.

Question Title

* 2. First name

Question Title

* 3. Surname

Question Title

* 4. Your Institution

Question Title

* 5. Your Job Title

Question Title

* 6. Your Email Address:

By joining up to the CAUDIT Community, you will be added to the main forms of communication for Communities which may include a Google email distribution list, Microsoft Teams and the CAUDIT Newsletter which is a great source for updates.

The process to add you to the lists may take a little while but keep an eye out for your invitations through your inbox (or your junk folder) or contact if you have any queries about your status.