The Unified [Transportation] Planning Work Program (UPWP) identifies all federally‐funded or regionally significant planning activities or studies that will be carried out by GNRC, member agencies and jurisdictions, non-profit organizations, or consultant firms.

GNRC has drafted the UPWP for federal fiscal years 2024 and 2025 in consultation with partner agencies and key stakeholders.  The document is available for review at 

GNRC is seeking your review and comment by June 23, 2023.  The Transportation Policy Board is scheduled to adopt the program at its July 19 meeting.

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* 1. About You

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* 2. Which of the following best describes your relationship to GNRC?

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* 3. How familiar are you with the current FYs 2022-2023 UPWP adopted in August 2021?

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* 4. What is your intent to review and comment on the proposed UPWP for FYs 2024-2025?

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* 5. Please share any additional comments you have about the regional transportation planning process as it is being carried out by GNRC, TDOT, and other partners across the Nashville metropolitan planning area.