Upper Peninsula Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) General Public Survey

Upper Peninsula Region Non Emergency Medical Transportation Study

For many years transportation needs and issues pertaining to healthcare have been a topic of discussion in the Upper Peninsula as it has been ranked a high unmet need. “Non-emergency medical transportation,” by definition are rides for eligible individuals to and from the doctor’s office, the hospital, or another destination that does not involve a medical emergency. This survey is to gather input on your communities needs in regards to NEMT. The document produced by this study will help future funders, providers, and organizations better target and direct their limited resources toward areas of that would have the greatest impact. Thank you for taking the time to respond.
1.What transportation services beyond a personal car do you or people that you know of in your community use and depend on for mobility?
2.Are you aware of any transportation options available in your community specifically for populations with limited personal mobility, e.g. seniors, people with disabilities, people with lower income?
3.Are you aware of any special populations, e.g. seniors, people with disabilities, people with lower income, in your community that need assistance meeting their mobility needs?
4.Are there places in the local community or in the region that people want to go, but there are limited or no available transportation services?
5.Have you had to provide transportation for a loved one, family member, or friend to a non-emergency medical appointment or destination?
6.Have you had to take off work to provide transportation for a loved one, family member or friend to a NEMT appointment or destination?
7.What transportation improvements would you like to see that would help people in your community have greater mobility options?
8.What outreach efforts are needed to ensure people in your community know what transportation services are available to them (check all that apply)?
9.Michigan 2‐1‐1 is a free, confidential service that provides information and referral to transportation services, health and human services, community preparedness, and crisis information. Are you familiar with the Michigan 2-1-1 system?
10.Rides to Wellness is a comprehensive non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) program administered by Michigan Transportation Connection (MTC). Are you familiar with the MIConnect Ride to Wellness Program?
11.If yes, have you used the Ride to Wellness Program?
12.What is the maximum distance travelled you have had to go for non-emergency health care?
13.Was the destination..
14.If you have used the Ride to Wellness how would you rate the experience (on a scale of 1 - Poor to 5 - Great)?
15.If in support of NEMT public transit program such as Ride to Wellness what is the best way to support a sustainable program?
16.What other ways could local government support NEMT?
17.What is your interest in transportation issues? (e.g. work with people with transportation needs)
18.Within what county do you have the most interest in related to transportation?
19.What is your age group?
20.What is your gender?
Current Progress,
0 of 20 answered