UKNOF29 Participant Survey Question Title * 1. How did you participate in UKNOF29 At the venue Via webcast Question Title * 2. Overall, how satisfied were you with the Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Event Event Very Dissatisfied Event Dissatisfied Event Satisfied Event Very Satisfied Speakers/Presenters? Speakers/Presenters? Very Dissatisfied Speakers/Presenters? Dissatisfied Speakers/Presenters? Satisfied Speakers/Presenters? Very Satisfied Range and quality of catering Range and quality of catering Very Dissatisfied Range and quality of catering Dissatisfied Range and quality of catering Satisfied Range and quality of catering Very Satisfied Question Title * 3. Please tell us how much you agree or disagree with the following statements. Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree N/A The content of the presentations was appropriate and informative. The content of the presentations was appropriate and informative. Strongly Disagree The content of the presentations was appropriate and informative. Disagree The content of the presentations was appropriate and informative. Agree The content of the presentations was appropriate and informative. Strongly Agree The content of the presentations was appropriate and informative. N/A The meeting room layout worked well. The meeting room layout worked well. Strongly Disagree The meeting room layout worked well. Disagree The meeting room layout worked well. Agree The meeting room layout worked well. Strongly Agree The meeting room layout worked well. N/A The breaks/lunch service worked well. The breaks/lunch service worked well. Strongly Disagree The breaks/lunch service worked well. Disagree The breaks/lunch service worked well. Agree The breaks/lunch service worked well. Strongly Agree The breaks/lunch service worked well. N/A Question Title * 4. Approximately how many UKNOF meetings do you attend annually? 0 per year (I watch the webcast) 1 per year 2 per year 3 per year UKNOF29 was my first one Question Title * 5. Do you plan to attend future UKNOF meetings? Yes No Don't know Question Title * 6. Would you recommend UKNOF meetings to others? Yes No Question Title * 7. Overall, how satisfied were you with the 1.5 day format for UKNOF29? Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Event Event Very Dissatisfied Event Dissatisfied Event Satisfied Event Very Satisfied Question Title * 8. Would you attend a 1.5 days or 2 days long UKNOF only meeting? Yes Maybe No, keep it as a one day event Question Title * 9. Would you like to see more multiple day joint meetings with other complimentary organisations (such as UKNOF29 and Internet Society ION Belfast) Yes Maybe No Question Title * 10. Do you have any other comments? (This section may include feedback such as how UKNOF meetings may be improved, catering, facilities, etc). Done