LipiFlow: Your Opinions
1 Month after Treatment

Please participate in this brief survey about the LipiFlow Thermal Pulsation System. Your input is key to improving the offering for you and other Dry Eye patients like you. Your participation in this market research study is voluntary. You may choose to discontinue your participation at any time. To help protect your confidentiality, you will never be identified individually as all results are summarized and presented based on the responses of all respondents. Even your ophthalmologist will not know your personal responses as these surveys will go directly to an independent market research firm, Step Ahead Knowledge Acquisition.

By marking "agree” below you are indicating that a) you have read the above information, b) you voluntarily agree to participate, and c) you are at least 18 years of age.

If you do not wish to participate in this market research study, please decline participation by marking the "disagree" button.

Question Title

* Please indicate your consent to participate in this survey by marking your choice below.

17% of survey complete.