Thank you for your input
Thank you for providing feedback on this course. Your thoughts and experience are valuable to us and ongoing development. We have already adjusted the website and course workbook based on the feedback leaders and participants have provided and will continue to do so as appropriate.

Question Title

* 1. Based on your current level of involvement, how likely are you to recommend this study to a friend? (Skip if you have just started.)

0 - Not at all likely 10 - Very likely

Question Title

* 2. Do you have general comments or feedback about the material?

Question Title

Please tell us a bit about how you used this study.
If you are willing, we would love a bit of information about how your group has gone. Please complete whatever you are willing to from the questions below. Thank You.

Question Title

* 3. How did you access the videos?

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* 4. Who are you doing this study with?  (i.e., Who are you doing the discussion exercises with?)

Question Title

* 5. How many people are in this group you are discussing the material with?

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* 6. How many of the sessions have you completed? (Mark the highest completed.)

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* 7. How many of the "Bringing It Home" exercises have you worked on?

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* 8. What did you find helpful in the Bringing It Home assignments?

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* 9. What got in the way of completing more "Bringing it Home" exercises?

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* 10. Have conversations in your group felt fairly safe? Please rate on a 1-5 scale. (Skip if you are just starting and haven't had discussions yet.)

0 - Not at all 5 - Totally safe

Question Title

* 11. Please share any additional comments you would like to share.

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Please tell us a bit about you.

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* 12. Your age bracket

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* 13. What is your current relationship status?

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* 14. If married, how long have you been married?

0 - less than 1 year 70 years

Question Title

* 15. Overall, on a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with your marriage today?

0 - Not at all 10 - Completely

Question Title

* 16. Please share any additional comments you have:

Question Title

* 17. Only if needed: If you need to provide us with your email address (e.g., to help address a problem), please feel free to do so here. Note response time may take several days.

Thank you for your feedback. We greatly appreciate it.

Question Title
