Part 1: Planning Ahead

Thank you for taking a few minutes to complete this survey! As our United Faculty enters into discussions related to spring teaching (as well as planning for summer and fall), your answers here will help guide us! Topics to be covered include Faculty Evaluations; Flex; Distance Education Training and Requirements; Equipment for Remote-Teaching; Staffing and Scheduling; and related workload issues. This first section asks about your general feelings related to returning to campus.

Question Title

* 1. Although we all lack the facts we would need to foresee the end of the current pandemic, many departments are beginning to plan for summer and fall. Based on what you know now, which of the following options would you support for SUMMER 2021?  Please check every option that would be OK with you.

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* 2. Based on what you know now, which of the following options would you support for FALL 2021?  Please check every option that would be OK with you.

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* 3. Before any return-to-work plan is finalized, UF will seek to include faculty in a broad discussion of options (and we will likely survey again). For now, what factors do you think the UF should be considering as we begin discussions with management about summer and fall and beyond?