From the Director of Public Safety:

The Unalaska Department of Public Safety is requesting your assistance.  We are trying to do a better job of serving you and others.  Recently you had contact with a member of our department.  Because of that contact, we would like to ask you to complete a brief survey.  Your answers will be kept strictly confidential unless you voluntarily decide to sign it.

Our department's goal is to offer you the best service possible so we hope that you will decide to complete this brief survey so we can improve our quality of services.  Thank you for your time and assistance.

Mike Holman, Director

Question Title

* 1. What was the nature of your recent contact with UDPS? (check all that apply)

Question Title

* 2. The people I had contact with were courteous and sensitive to my needs.

  Excellent Very Good Acceptable Unacceptable Not Applicable
Police Officer
Firefighter / Medic
Municipal Corrections
Animal Control

Question Title

* 3. The people I had contact with helped me with the information and/or assistance I needed.

  Excellent Very Good Acceptable Unacceptable Not Applicable
Police Officer
Firefighter / Medic
Municipal Corrections
Animal Control

Question Title

* 4. The people I had contact with were professional in appearance and demeanor.

  Excellent Very Good Acceptable Not Acceptable Not Applicable
Police Officer
Firefighter / Medic
Municipal Corrections
Animal Control

Question Title

* 5. The people I had contact with seemed knowledgeable and well trained.

  Excellent Very Good Acceptable Not Acceptable Not Applicable
Police Officer
Firefighter / Medic
Municipal Corrections
Animal Control

Question Title

* 6. Please rate .your overall experience with the Unalaska Department of Public Safety

  Excellent Very Good Acceptable Not acceptable Not Applicable
Overall Experience

Question Title

* 7. Additional comments or suggestions for improvement

Question Title

* 8. Would you like to discuss your survey with the Director of Public Safety?

Question Title

* 9. Name (optional)

Question Title

* 10. Telephone (optional)