Information about the research study

Project Title
The relationship between STRs and housing supply and affordability

Name – Professor Naomi Dale
Faculty – Business, Government & Law
Phone – 04009 67860
Email –

Project Aim
The purpose of the research is to test common assumptions around homeowner decision-making that underpin public debates in Australia about the relationship between Short-term rentals (STR) and housing supply and affordability. It seeks to offer more clarity and insight into this debate and provide policy advice around how to improve housing outcomes without constraining relevant economic activity.

Core research elements:
  1. Determine homeowner preferences as it relates to decision to offer short-term vs. long-term lets
  2. Examine the impact of imposing STR night caps on the buying trends of property investors
  3. Evaluate the impact of growing STR supply on housing prices
  4. Assess homeowners’ decisions after STR restrictions are placed on properties
  5. Examine the impact of increases in rates/duties on property purchases not occupied by the owner
  • Australia-wide research, with an in-depth focus across 18 Local Government Areas (LGAs)
  • Interested in STR properties that are completely self-contained (entire dwellings or units/flats in occupied properties) that are NOT hosted stays with any shared facilities (eg kitchen, bathroom, living room)

Participant Involvement
Participants who agree to take part in the research will be asked to complete a survey about STR properties (up to five) that they own. Participation in the research is completely voluntary and participants may, without any penalty, decline to take part or withdraw at any time without providing an explanation.

Only the University of Canberra researchers will have access to the individual information provided by participants. Privacy and confidentiality will be assured at all times. The research outcomes may be presented at conferences and written up for publication. However, in all these publications, the privacy and confidentiality of individuals will be protected.

All reports and publications of the research will contain no information that can identify any individual and all information will be kept in the strictest confidence. Data will only be made available in an aggregated form to people external to the University of Canberra research team.

Data Storage
The information collected will be stored securely on a password protected computer throughout the project and then stored at the University of Canberra for the required five-year period after which it will be destroyed according to university protocols.

Future Research
If you agree, when asked on the survey, the information collected during the conduct of this research may be used in future research projects on related research areas. Any future use of your data will comply with any conditions imposed by the Human Research Ethics Committee of the University of Canberra.

Ethics Committee Clearance
The project has been approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee of the University of Canberra (HREC – 14172)
5% of survey complete.