Welcome to our SWL Carers 'Information and Support Sessions' registration page!

This form allows you to register once with all your details and select topics that are of interest to you. We'll keep you updated via email as new dates and topics become available, eliminating the need for repeated registrations.

The information you provide is private. By completing this form you are giving our team at Integrated Care Support Services, and the organisations we work with, permission to store and use your details to run the sessions, ask whether you liked them and follow up later to see how else we could help you.

Best wishes,
Tessa, Urooj, Ali & Mel
Integrated Care Support Team | hello@integratedcaresupport.com

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* 1. What is your name? (first and last name)

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* 2. What is your email address? If you don’t use email, insert your mobile number instead.

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* 4. How long have you been an unpaid carer?

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* 5. We’re running free sessions on 13 topics this year. Some are online and some are face to face. You can attend as many as you like. Please let us know which topics you’re interested in. We’ll email you the details about those sessions throughout the year.

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* 6. How would you rate these things on a scale from 1 to 5?
5 is the highest/best and 1 is the lowest/worst.

  1 2 3 4 5
How happy and healthy you feel at the moment
How well supported you feel at the moment
How much you know about the resources and support available for carers in your area
How much you know about Carers Centres / Hubs
How confident you feel about helping the person you care for

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* 7. Do you agree or disagree with these things?

  Agree fully Agree partly Disagree
There is enough information available for carers like me
I have all the skills I need to help the person I care for
Health and care workers include me and listen to what I say in discussions about the person I care for
I’m able to look after my own needs and not get too overwhelmed by being a carer
As a carer, I feel confident asking for help if I need it
I feel confident looking for paid work, if I wanted it

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* 8. Over the past year, roughly how many times have these things happened:

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* 9. Which of these applies to you at the moment? Pick the one that matches best.

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* 10. What is your age group?

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* 11. What is your gender?

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* 12. What is your ethnic group? You can choose more than one

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* 13. If there is anything else you would like to say, please tell us here. For example, you could tell us what you want us to talk about in the sessions or ways we could make them useful for you.

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* 14. It’s important that we listen to what you need. We, or our partners, would like to check in with you later in the year to hear whether the sessions were useful. If you do not consent for us to contact you to get feedback, tick here.

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* 15. I'm aware my details will be processed by Integrated Care Support Services and delivery partners. Data will be processed as per our Privacy Notice on our website.

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* 16. Press submit to register. We’ll send you an email or text message to confirm that we have your details.