The International Genetically Engineered Machines competition (iGEM) started in 2004 with 5 schools and has since grown to over 240 teams from around the world. Over winter and spring quarter teams form and learn about synthetic biology while brainstorming projects to carry out over the summer. When summer hits the fun (and hard work) really begins and the team pushes towards engineering their novel biological system(s). This combines cutting edge techniques in many different fields (molecular biology, computer science, social science, art, bio/mechanical/electrical engineering, and more). At the end of the summer the team puts together a dynamic presentation, poster, website, and human practices report summarizing their work and public impact of the project. The team then travels of Boston to compete with teams from around the world.  While the competition aspect is there, everyone really just has a good time meetings new people from around the globe all having just gone through a similar experience and interested in related topics. If the project was successful, the teams often further characterize their system and publish the results in a paper in a peer reviewed journal.

You can learn more about iGEM in general here:

And if you want to see projects students like you have achieved in the past you can see the write-ups here:

We are just starting to form the 2016 UC Davis team and are looking to recruit 3-5 students.  We are looking for ALL majors, ALL levels of experience, and ALL years. If you already know you want to apply please fill out the application below.  The following are requirements for joining:  Available and able to work full time this summer, able to Travel to Boston Fall Quarter (we will cover these expenses), and that you enjoy working with a group of like-minded students.

During the summer due to the significant commitment of time and resources required to field a competitive team students cannot be involved in summer classes or other summer internships. Independent study course credits for iGEM can and will be provided for students if desired. During winter and spring, closer to 10-20 hours will be expected.  Throughout the year research credits will be given if desired.


General iGEM Timeline
      Winter - Team Formation
      Spring - Brainstorming & Prepping
      Summer - Research
      Fall - Build website and present at International Jamboree

Question Title

* 1. What is your first and last name (e.g.  Justin Siegel)

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* 2. What is your major?

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* 3. When do you expect to graduate (e.g. Fall 2019, Spring 2017, etc)

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* 4. What is your email address?

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* 5. Overall GPA

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* 6. Major GPA

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* 7. Do you have any research experience? Please briefly (~1 paragraph limit) describe if you do.

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* 8. Have a project idea (not required)?  If so briefly explain the project and what would be needed in order to complete over a four month period and for under $10k in resources.  Please limit responses to 5 - 10 sentences.