UCCS | Vice Chancellor of Administration and Finance | Campus Feedback Survey: Kathy Kaoudis, J.D.

1.Please identify your role:
2.Your evaluation is based on (please click all that apply):
3.Leadership Capabilities:
4.Organizational skills:
5.Communication and interpersonal skills:
6.Supervisory experiences:
7.Ability to foster positive relations:
8.Ability to serve as an advocate for campus:
9.Skill in crisis management:
10.Collaboration skills and experiences:
11.Presentation of complex data:
12.Commitment to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion:
13.Understanding of the complexity of the University System :
14.Breadth of financial, budgetary, administrative and facilities experience:
15. Quality of financial and budgetary experience:
16.Please share your comments regarding this candidate (Strengths; Areas of Concern; and/or Other Observations):
17.Rate this candidate overall: