United Church of Christ Fort Lauderdale is celebrating 70 years of continued support and growth for our parishioners and greater community. In order to build on our first 70 years of success, our board will be focused on developing a long-term strategic plan and funding program that supports the sustainability and relevance of our church well into the future. As stewards of the church you love and enjoy, your input is essential for effective planning discussions and future decisions. Accordingly, we seek your input on the following questions. Please be assured your input will remain confidential.

Question Title

* 1. Which of the following best describes your relationship with UCC Ft. Lauderdale?

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* 2. About how long have you been attending this church?

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* 3. Do you attend primarily in-person or online?

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* 4. Please indicate your level of involvement with the church beyond attendance Sunday worship.

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* 5. Please check the age group which applies to you:

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* 6. Please select up to 5 of the following words or phrases you would choose to describe the church? (Please choose no more than 5!)

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* 7. How would you rate the quality of each of the following areas for the church?

  No Opinion Needs Improvement Fair Good Excellent
The Administration Wing
Elliott Hall
The Sanctuary
The Grounds

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* 8. If you selected "Needs Improvement" above, please specify.

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* 9. How would you rate the quality of these other areas of the church?

  No Opinion Needs Improvement Fair Good Excellent
Audio Visual
Spiritual Formation
Community Outreach
Handicap Acessibility
Financial Management

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* 10. If you selected "Needs Improvement" above, please specify.

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* 11. Using singular words, what are the values of UCC Ft. Lauderdale ?

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* 12. Why is UCC Ft. Lauderdale important to you?

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* 13. Would you be supportive of UCC Ft. Lauderdale launching a legacy campaign intended to support the sustainability and relevance of our church well into the future?

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* 14. For follow-up conversation and clarification, would you be willing to share your name with Neal Watkins, Lead Surveyor and Minister for Congregational Life of the Florida Conference?