The Psychology of Infinity Nikki Players Informed Consent Title of Study: The Psychology of Infinity Nikki Players Investigator: Stephen D. Berry, Ph.D. Part-Time Faculty – Psychology University of Arkansas at Monticello School of Social and Behavioral Sciences Monticello, AR 71656 Introduction: I am investigating the extent to which gameplay experiences and psychological traits explain the willingness of Infinity Nikki players to continue playing the game. The moderators of r/InfinityNikki gave me permission to post this survey on Reddit. I am not affiliated with Infold Games, Papergames, or any person/entity involved with the making of Infinity Nikki. Criteria/Eligibility to Participate: You must be a United States resident, 18 years of age or older, and a current player of the video game Infinity Nikki. Description of the Study Procedures: Should you consent to participate in this approximately 14-minute survey, below is an overview of what you will do. You will answer 4 screening questions to determine your eligibility to participate. You will answer 10 questions regarding your experiences with and opinions about Infinity Nikki. You will answer 11 questions about yourself. If you are interested in entering an optional giveaway, then you will answer an additional 2 questions. Benefits and Risks: The benefits of completing the study include contributing to knowledge about consumer behavior and Infinity Nikki. The findings of this survey may be presented at a research conference and/or published in a scholarly journal. A summary of findings may also be shared on Reddit via the r/InfinityNikki subreddit. There are no anticipated significant risks for completing this study other than what you would experience in daily life. Voluntary Participation and Potential Compensation: Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. If you complete the study, you will have the optional opportunity to enter for a chance to win 1 of 25 Amazon eGift Cards each worth $10.00 USD. If you choose to enter this giveaway at the end of the survey, you will provide an email address. Winners will be selected using a random number generator. If you are selected, the eGift Card will be digitally sent to your email address. Confidentiality: Your survey responses will be kept confidential. I will take all reasonable steps to protect your identity. Data from this study will be kept on SurveyMonkey's secure, encrypted platform. The findings of this study will be reported as aggregate data. If you enter the gift card giveaway, I will delete your email address from the dataset immediately after all gift cards are digitally delivered. Right to Withdraw: You are free to refuse to participate in the research and to withdraw from this study at any time. Your decision to withdraw will result in no penalty to you. Your Consent to Participate in This Study: By selecting “I consent” below, then pressing “Next,” you affirm that you have read the material above. This includes the purpose of the study, the procedures to be used, the potential risks and benefits, the confidentiality, and the option to withdraw from the study at any time. If you would like to keep a copy of this material for my records, then you should save or print this page now. Question Title * 1. I freely agree to participate in this study. I consent I do not consent and hereby withdraw from the study NEXT