· Gain insight into where you are on your Advanced Manufacturing journey.
· Identify your specific requirements from UAFS as your educational partner.
· Understand the essential skillset necessary to support your progress in Advanced Manufacturing.

Question Title

* 1. Please list the company you represent

Question Title

* 2. As you think about your company's future, how would you classify its change ambition?

Question Title

* 3. Regarding the driving force behind change within your company, please select the option that best reflects the current situation:

Question Title

* 4. On a scale of 1-5, with 1 being ‘we haven’t started’ and 5 being ‘smart technology is an accepted part of our culture,’ where are you currently in adopting smart manufacturing?

Question Title

* 5. Using the same scale as in #3, where do you think you will be in the adoption process in five years?

Question Title

* 6. Using the following descriptors, where is your company in smart technology adoption?

  No plans Using today Will definitely utilize in five years I do not know what this is
Sensors & wearable technology
Scanning & image capture
Cyber monitoring & tracking
Operational Technology Security
Applications, notifications, & controls
Advanced materials & manufacturing
Robotics & autonomous vehicles
Edge computing
Cellular, satellite & Wi-Fi
Virtual & augmented reality
Signal ingestion & Cloud
Signal processing & ETL (Extract, Transform, & Load)
IT security & Blockchain
Robotic Process Automation & Workflow automation
Data visualization & UX (User Experience) design
Data science & algorithms
Machine learning
Deep learning & AI (Artificial Intelligence)
Natural language processing
Video & spatial analytics

Question Title

* 7. What are your most significant needs from UAFS as an educational partner in your smart manufacturing journey?

Rate these from 1 to 5 using “1-not important at all” and “5-extremely important.”

  1 - Not important at all 2 3 4 5 - Extremely Important
Business case development
Organizational planning
Strategy alignment support
Change management implementation
Project management training
Students for solving business problems
Testing facilities
Research & design
Graduates to employ
Source of industry-best practices, case studies, benchmarking
Infrastructure development
Data analytics/data management

Question Title

* 8. What are the skills you need from our students, and at what level of competency?

  Basic knowledge (limited understanding, minimal practical experience) Intermediate proficiency (working knowledge, some practical experience) Advanced expertise (in-depth understanding, substantial practical experience) Not applicable/I'm unsure about the skill
Artificial Intelligence
Programming and coding
Communication & collaboration
Change management
Six Sigma Problem solving
Translation of business needs to digital
Data analytics
Supply chain management

Question Title

* 9. How many technical positions does your company currently have that require the skillset we are focusing on in advanced manufacturing?

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* 10. In the next 2-3 years, how many additional technical positions do you anticipate needing that align with the skillset of advanced manufacturing?

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* 11. Over the next 2-3 years, do you foresee a change in the scope of technical positions due to emerging technologies?

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* 12. Collaboration opportunity: Solving real-world business challenges. How many students can you utilize today to solve real-world business issues?

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* 13. Would you be willing to serve on an advisory board for advanced manufacturing at UAFS?

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* 14. If yes, please let us know how we can contact you.

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* 15. Is there anything else you’d like UAFS to know about the state of Advanced Manufacturing in the region?