Truth to Transformation is a documentary short film following the stories of three individuals affected by New Jersey's child welfare system, and how they're using their lived experience to help co-design the future of child welfare in New Jersey.

We appreciate your interest in this inspiring film of resilience, hope and change, and we're happy to support community-based screenings to connect the important messages from this film to audiences around the country.

Truth to Transformation has a runtime of 39 minutes and 51 seconds. It features, in order of appearance: Tamia Govan, Dashaan Jennings, Kayann Foster, Christine Norbut Beyer, Benita Miller, Amelia Franck Meyer and David Sanders. In addition to making the film available for screening, some of the key cast have indicated a willingness to participate in panel discussions around the film, schedules permitting, as a means of extending the conversation around transformation in the child welfare field.

Please complete the information in this Screening Request Form, and someone from the film will follow up with next steps to secure your requested screening.