IT Services Desk @ Trinity College Dublin Feedback

Question Title

* 1. Overall, how satisfied were you with the service you received from the IT Service Desk?

  Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral DIssatisfied Very Dissatisfied
Overall satisfaction

Question Title

* 2. What was the reason for your call to the IT Service Desk?

Question Title

* 3. Was your issue resolved?

Question Title

* 4. How long did it take to resolve the issue from when you first contacted the IT Service Desk?

Question Title

* 5. Please select your level of agreement with each statement below:

  Agree Not sure Disagree
The IT Service Desk handled my request for help quickly and efficiently
The IT Service Desk dealt with me in a courteous & professional manner
The IT Service Desk understood my issue

Question Title

* 6. If the IT Service Desk handed your call onto another team in IT Services, please indicate your level of agreement about the person who helped you resolve your issue:

  Agree Not sure Disagree
The person in IT Services who ended up helping me was courteous and professional
The person in IT Services who ended up helping me understood my issue

Question Title

* 7. in the box below please write any comments (positive or negative) or suggestions for how we could improve the IT Service Desk for you.