Please complete this survey to help us understand your needs as a community health worker and the needs of your community. Thank you for your time!

If you have any questions about Triage Cancer or this survey, please email us at

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* 1. Please provide your email address to join our newsletter and to be entered into a drawing for a $50 Gift Card (4 prizes available). You will be sent an email if you win.

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* 2. First Name

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* 3. Are you a: (check all that apply)

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* 5. What is your current education level?

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* 6. What gender do you identify as?

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* 7. Please specify your ethnicity.

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* 8. On average, how many community members do you reach a month?

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* 9. What language do you primarily use to communicate with your community members?

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* 10. Do members of your community ask for help on how to keep working, or take time off, after a medical diagnosis?

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* 11. How comfortable are you answering community members' questions about the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)?

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* 12. How comfortable are you answering community members' questions about the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)?

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* 13. Do members of your community express concern about sharing their diagnosis with others?

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* 14. How comfortable are you answering community members' questions about their options to share their diagnosis with others?

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* 15. Do your community members ask for guidance on health insurance options?

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* 16. How comfortable are you answering community members' questions about health insurance options?

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* 17. Do your community members ask for help to pay for medical care?

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* 18. How comfortable are you answering community members' questions about how to pay for medical care?

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* 19.  If a community member is worried about finances, what is usually your first suggestion?

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* 20. Do members of your community ask for help paying for preventative services (e.g., immunizations, cancer screenings)?

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* 21. How comfortable are you answering community members' questions about paying for preventative services (e.g., immunizations, cancer screenings)?

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* 22. Do your community members ask for help to replace lost income if they need time off from work for their health (e.g., disability Insurance)?

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* 23. How comfortable are you answering community members' questions about disability insurance?

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* 24. Would you be interested in any of the following opportunities? Check all that apply. (If yes, please make sure to provide your email above.)

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* 25. Is there anything else you think Triage Cancer should know about the issues your community members are facing?

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* 26. What resources do you find most helpful for your work?

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* 27. If you attended a presentation or event with Triage Cancer, please indicate the name of the event. (e.g. LLS Conference, Insurance & Finance Intensive, NASW Conference)