Tree Strategy Consultation - Public Survey Question Title * 1. Your Postcode (this allows us to identify the tree cover in your area) Question Title * 2. How important do you believe trees are to the quality of life in your area? Very important Somewhat important Not so important Not at all important I had not considered this before Question Title * 3. How frequently do you visit parks or green spaces with trees in Mid & East Antrim? Daily Weekly Monthly Rarely Never If never, why not? Question Title * 4. Do you frequently visit parks or green spaces in other areas? Question Title * 5. What benefits do you associate with trees in urban areas? (Select all that apply) Air quality improvement Shade and cooling Habitat for wildlife Aesthetic beauty Reduction of noise pollution Flood control Health and Wellbeing Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. What benefits do you associate with trees in rural areas? Air quality improvement Shade and cooling Habitat for wildlife Aesthetic beauty Reduction of noise pollution Flood control Health and Wellbeing Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. Where would you like to see more trees planted in the borough? Parks Streets Residential neighbourhoods Schools and community centres Other (please specify) Question Title * 8. Do you believe more tree planting should be a priority for the council? Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree Question Title * 9. Would you be willing to participate in tree-planting events in your community? Yes Maybe No Question Title * 10. Can you see a tree(s) from your property? Yes No Question Title * 11. If no, would it be something you would like to have in your garden or be able to see? Question Title * 12. If yes, how do you feel about the tree(s) / how would you feel if it was removed? Question Title * 13. How do you feel about the maintenance of trees in Parks and Open Spaces in your area? Excellent Good Adequate Poor Any comments to add? Question Title * 14. "Having trees is worth the financial cost for Council of maintaining them."How do you feel about this statement? Strongly Disagree Neutral Strongly Agree Clear i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale. Question Title * 15. What role do you think trees play in addressing climate change within the borough? Major role Moderate role Minor role Question Title * 16. Do you feel the council should prioritise maintenance over new tree planting, or vice versa? Prioritise maintenance Prioritise new planting Balance both equally Question Title * 17. Would you like to see more educational programs or workshops about trees and their benefits being delivered to the community? Yes No Unsure Question Title * 18. Trees can do all of the following - please tick the 3 of most importance to you. Increase my property value Reduce flooding/stormwater run-off Create shade to reduce heat in summer Prevent the urban centres from becoming hotter Reduce road and traffic noise Help to make the place beautiful Screen and provide privacy Reduce air pollution Provide wildlife habitat Improve mental and physical health Other (please specify) Question Title * 19. With regard to the trees in your own area what would you like to see? Question Title * 20. What would this mean to you? Question Title * 21. Are there any tree-related issues (e.g., blocked views, fallen leaves, allergies) that negatively impact your experience in the borough? Yes No If yes, please specify Question Title * 22. Is there anything specific you would like to see the council do to improve trees and/or woodland and their maintenance in Mid and East Antrim? Done