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* 1. What is your job title?

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* 2. How long have you worked in the field of homeless health?

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* 3. Where were you working immediately prior to this post?

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* 4. Which people are you working with? (Tick as many as apply)

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* 5. Do you predominantly work with

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* 6. Think back to the start of your career/employment working in homeless/inclusion health.

What three areas gave you most concern?

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* 7. What three things do you most enjoy about working in homeless/inclusion health?

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* 8. If you could give one piece of advice to a nurse coming to work in homeless/inclusion health for the first time what would it be?

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* 9. What would you like to see covered in a nursing professional development resource for those new to the homeless health setting?

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* 10. Please provide one typical homeless/inclusion health nursing scenario which you have experienced that you would like explored within such a resource.
(perhaps a situation that caused you anxiety or you found difficult to resolve)

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* 11. If you would like to also help us review the content during development, then please include your email address below to confirm your interest.