Transforming Mental Health Services in North Tyneside |
This is a survey about you or a person you care for
We want to know your experiences of mental health services in North Tyneside and your views on how services could work better. Your views will help shape the future of our mental health care.
The government is investing money to have more community-based mental health services for adults. The Community Mental Health Transformation Programme review will include all local NHS services, including GPs, North Tyneside Council and local voluntary sector organisations.
Service user and carer involvement is essential, and Healthwatch North Tyneside and Launchpad are supporting people to get involved. You can also choose to join our mailing list to hear about more opportunities to get involved.
You can complete this survey online or over the phone - call 0191 263 5321. You can email us to arrange extra support completing this form at (Paper copies are available on request.)
Please be aware some questions may be triggering. Take your time and prioritise your self-care. You can also contact Healthwatch North Tyneside for signposting to mental health support.