What you think of the temporary Traffic Safety Playground? We would love to know!

The following survey should take 5-minutes or less to complete and will help us assess whether to continue offering a temporary Traffic Safety Playground at Channing Heights Park.

Question Title

* 1. Did you know about the temporary traffic safety playground before visiting the website today? If yes, how did you hear about it?

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* 2. How do you use the bastketball court at Channing Heights Park?

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* 3. How often do you use the basketball court for these activities?

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* 4. Are you more or less likely to go to the park now that the temporary traffic safety playground is there?

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* 5. How does this temporary traffic safety playground change how you use the basketball court?

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* 6. Do you like the temporary traffic safety playground at Channing Heights Park? Why or why not?

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* 7. Do you feel the temporary traffic safety playground makes Channing Heights Park feel more welcoming? Why or why not?

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* 8. Would you want to see the temporary traffic safety playground stay long-term? Why?

Respondent Demographics (good to know but not required)

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* 9. Age

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* 10. Gender

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* 11. Race

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* 12. Ethnicity

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* 13. Household Income

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* 14. Household Size

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* 15. Do you have kids?