What does Timaru District in 2050 look like to you?

This is your opportunity for feedback, and we're keen to get your views, comments and suggestions.

Your responses will help inform and guide us all as we look forward to an aspirational future for this great District of ours.

This survey will take approximate 5-7 minutes to complete. Your time is much appreciated.
1.What should and could our district look like in 2050? (Population? Employment? Industry? Housing? Vibrancy?)(Required.)
2.What do you think are the key risks to our District over the next 2-3 decades?(Required.)
3.What needs to change to make Timaru District so much more by 2050 and why?
4.What opportunities are there for us to change for the better?(Required.)
5.In addition to the primary and associated sectors which have been integral to our success and prosperity, what other industries or sectors do you think we should be attracting to diversify and why?(Required.)
6.Please add any other comments you have.