Reception Tour for September 2025

Dear Parents/ Carers

Admission for Reception September 2025

Welcome to Meryfield Community Primary School, I am delighted that you are considering our school as a starting point for your child's learning journey.

I would like to invite any prospective parents/ carers to join us for a tour of our Early Years.

Tours will be 30 minutes, and will give you the opportunity to meet myself and Mrs Humberstone our Early Years Leader to answer any questions that you may have.

I look forward to welcoming you to Meryfield.

Best wishes,

Mrs Gage
1.Your Name: (Max 2 adults)
2.Your child's name 
3.Contact Number
4.E-mail address:
Both parents/carers are welcome to join.

Each tour is limited to four families.
5.Any questions/ comments 
Current Progress,
0 of 5 answered