IBA 2025 Annual Conference Scholarship Application Form (ESSAY) Important information All questions on this form must be answered.Any missing information or details may render your submission invalid.You must complete this application form as well as uploading your essay before the deadline of midnight British Summer Time (BST) on Sunday, 18 May 2025. Your essay file must be a Microsoft Word document and must be named using the following format:Family name_First name_Name of IBA Scholarship.The essay you submit must be written in the following format:• Typed in English• Double spaced• 2,500-2800 words. This does not include footnotes or the bibliography.• Microsoft Word fileDo not include your name, email address or any other identifying information within the essay document.General information and a list of all the IBA 2025 Annual Conference Scholarship can be found by clicking here.The terms and conditions of scholarship participation can be found by clicking here.Instructions for submitting your application can be found by clicking here.Please note the data submitted on SurveyMonkey forms is stored in the United States of America, but complies with UK data protection regulations. Next