Share Your Stories, Memories and Tidbits

As we prepare to celebrate Tom's life and legacy, we hope to hear from you. Let us know if you're in Texas, North Carolina, Iowa or another location, and how you knew Tom. 

We hope you'll share a story, memory or a tidbit about the way(s) Tom made you laugh, made you think, or impacted your world in some way.

You may leave it here, OR share a video of your story. (it would be great to see you!) 

Send video, photos or additional information to Kay Anderson at

Thanks so very much. We know that we'll all enjoy hearing the ways that Tom spread laughter and light during his time with us.

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* 1. Please share a memory that you hold of Tom. Like Tom, it could be sweet, salty, funny, edgy or anything in between.

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* 2. If you could talk with Tom's parents, what would you share about his influence on your life?

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* 3. Is there anything else that's coming to mind?  If so, leave it here, or email Kay at

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* 4. Let us know your contact information so we can keep in touch.