Toi Ako Artspace Community Engagement Survey 2023
In the past 12 months how have you been you involved with Toi Ako Artspace or its programmes in the community?
Artist / Participant / Ākonga
Tutor / Kaiako
Other (please specify)
What Toi Ako programmes have you engaged with in the last 12 months?
Arts for All with Lauren
Creative Kids with Lauren & Kris
Knit & Natter
Mahi with Mihi (Korowai)
Te reo Maaori with Gail
Craft & Communi-tea Meremere with Mihi and Kris
Community Choir with Sandra
Ukulele Group with Chelsey
Youth Drop in with Kris and Lauren
Copper Jewelry with Rohan
Printmaking with Claire
Multimedia Mirrors with Claire
Rongoaa with Darin & Phyllis
Pounamu with Maha & Laura
Whaanau Art Night in TK or Meremere with Lauren & Kris
School Holiday workshop in TK or Meremere with Lauren & Kris
Graffiti Art with Holly
Summer Mosaics & Entrance Mural with Lauren, Kris & Claire
Felt Bowls with Dianne
Flax Weaving with Wendy
Art Therapy
King of the Court Street Basketball
Children's Day Art Stations at Meremere or Splash'n Dash
Kainga Ora art station at Lakeside
Matariki art station at Te Kauwhata College
Other (please specify)
If you have engaged with Toi Ako Artspace in the last 12 months, how would you rate your overall experience? Feel free to offer further feedback the comment field.
1 star
2 stars
3 stars
4 stars
5 stars
What's your primary motivation for attending?
Learn a skill
Connect with others
Benefits of an arts practice
Other (please specify)
How do your experiences at Toi Ako contribute to your health and wellbeing?
How do your experiences at Toi Ako contribute to your sense of community and connection with others?
How do your experiences at Toi Ako develop your skills and sense of self?
How else is it of value to have a service like Toi Ako serving Te Kauwhata and Districts?
Last year we asked you for ideas as to how we might further remove barriers to participation for people who may have difficulty accessing creative opportunities due to factors such as age, disability, mental health challenges, poverty, isolation. In response to your answers we have tried several new things this year including whanau art nights, more koha based programmes, a new disability ramp for the building, weekly and termly programmes in Meremere, termly letterbox drops in the village for those not on social media, termly schedule on our website and social media, launch of individual art therapy sessions. How else might we remove barriers to participation so everyone in our community can access creative opportunities?
Toi Ako is one delivery arm of Te Kauwhata Community House. The vision of Te Kauwhata Community House is "a connected community encouraging wellness in people and place." At Toi Ako we try to achieve this by connecting people through creativity. We aim to serve our whole glorious diverse community, all ages and abilities. Do you have any other feedback or suggestions for us so that we might do that even better in the future?
Do you have a creative skill you would like to teach/share with others? If so please leave your contact details or reach out to us at