Thank you for attending Mental Health Victoria's 'Thought Leaders 1: Dissecting the Federal Budget' webinar. We would love to get your feedback to help improve our future events.

Please take a moment to complete this brief feedback survey. This survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete. 

Question Title

* 1. Do you identify primarily as a:

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* 2. What state/territory are you currently based?

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* 3. Reflect on how you felt about the following statements before attending the webinar:

  Not at all Somewhat Very Extremely
I understood the mental health items provided in the 2022-2023 Victorian Budget
I knew about a range of further opportunities for mental health funding in this and future Victorian Budget/s
I was familiar with a broad range of opinions about mental health funding in the Victorian Budget
Mental Health Victoria is a thought leader within the mental health and wellbeing sector
I have confidence and hope that there are solutions available

Question Title

* 4. Reflect on how you felt about the following statements after attending the webinar:

  Not at all Somewhat Very Extremely
I understand the mental health items provided in the 2022-2023 Victorian Budget
I know about a range of further opportunities for mental health funding in this and future Victorian Budget/s
I am familiar with a broad range of opinions about mental health funding in the Victorian Budget
Mental Health Victoria is a thought leader within the mental health and wellbeing sector
I have confidence and hope that there are solutions available

Question Title

* 5. Rate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements:

  Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
The webinar was interesting and informative
The webinar was thought-provoking
The webinar met my expectations
The webinar's format was engaging
I would recommend colleagues attend MHV’s future events
I would be willing to pay a nominal fee to attend a similar webinar in future

Question Title

* 6. How did you find out about the webinar?

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* 7. Please list up to 3 topics you would like to learn about in future MHV webinars?

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* 8. Do you have any further feedback?