The Donna Louise is committed to providing the highest standards of care and we improve our services by listening and learning from your feedback.By taking a few minutes to complete our 2015 Family Survey it will allow us to continue to improve and grow our vital services. 

Question Title

* 1. Please rate the difference that our support has made to you and your family for the following statements

  1 Strongly agree 2 Agree 3 Neither agree or disagree 4 Disagree 5 Strongly disagree
Engages in fun activities with my child and our family
The opportunity to sleep and recharge batteries
Improves my ability to cope with the challenges of caring for my child
Improves family relationships
Developed friendships and support networks, opportunity to talk to families that understand
Managing the symptoms of my child's conditions
Increased my ability to cope
I feel better informed about any services that could help support my child and family
Improved our psychological wellbeing/ reduced levels of stress/ anxiety
Opportunity to talk about advanced care planning
Support in preparing my child to move to adult services post 19

Question Title

* 2. Are you aware of how we allocate care to you and your family?

Question Title

* 3. Do you know how to:

   Yes No I'd like to find out more
Book a respite break
Request day care
Request home visit

Question Title

* 4. How true do you find the following statement?

  1 Strongly agree 2 Agree 3 Neither agree or disagree 4 Disagree 5 Strongly disagree
I find the website useful

Question Title

* 5. Have you or any of your family attended or been involved in any of the following groups?

  Yes I currently attend the group I'm aware of the group but don't attend No I'm not aware of the group I'd like to find out more about the group
Parents and Carers
Sibling Support
Youth Group
Men's Group - Journey for Men
Mum's Group - led by Jane

Question Title

* 6. How useful would you rate the following statements for the groups you have attended?

  1 - Strongly agree 2 - Agree 3 -  Neither agree or disagree 4 - Disagree 5 - Strongly disagree
I found the Parents and Carers group really useful
I found the Sibling Support group really useful
My child finds the Youth Group really useful
I or my partner find the Men's Group - Journey for Men really useful
I or my partner find  the Mum's Group - led by Jane really useful

Question Title

* 7. What services do we NOT currently provide that would make a difference for you and your family?

Question Title

* 8. Do you know how to give feedback or raise concerns about the care you have received?

Question Title

* 9. Do we provide enough information for you and your family?

Question Title

* 10. Here at the Donna Louise we are fortunate to have lots of volunteers helping the team in a number of ways. What has been your experience of volunteers here?

Question Title

* 11. Please describe what The Donna Louise means to you and your family

Question Title

* 12. Please feel free to add any additional comments in box below