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Creative Oceanic powered by Oceanic Awards welcome you to the 10th Official Food Awards Scotland.

The awards this year will take place in Glasgow late Autumn. We want you to vote for favourite servers, specialists and suppliers.

We understand its been a difficult for restaurants, cafés and takeaways however the awards will recognise their efforts over the last 2 years and give the industry a much needed boost. Those with R beside will have regional winners.

The awards ceremony will take place subject to up-to-date Covid conditions.

Over the last few years we have seen entrepreneurs change the face of Scotland culinary scene and it is these venues that we want to be recognised. So please think of the last time you enjoyed a meal at a cafe, bistro, restaurant, party, hotel or got a takeaway in and vote away. thank you.

We now also deliver the food awards in England, Ireland, Wales, Northern Ireland and Ontario.

Categories with R beside them will have regional winners and overall winners


Please note; for a business or individual to be eligible as a finalist for these awards, they must have been trading or in post for a minimum of 12 months. Our team will continue due diligence checks on all finalists after they have been announced. The finalist list issued on the day of the event will be conclusive and you may be removed prior to that if the information you provide is not valid.