Thaxted Neighbourhood Plan Housing Needs Survey |
Dear Thaxted Resident
We recognise that many younger people cannot afford to live in the Parish they grew up in and have to move away. Likewise, the older generation is finding it increasingly difficult to downsize and stay locally near family and support networks.
The Parish Council along with the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group have decided to work with Rural Community Council of Essex (RCCE) to undertake a Housing Needs Survey, to establish the possible future housing needs for those living in or with a close connection to Thaxted.
This survey is for everyone to complete and will be particularly relevant for those in the Parish wishing to make their first step onto the housing ladder or for those wishing to downsize who meet certain criteria. This could be you, your children or close family members. It will also be important that this survey reaches all those currently working in the Parish and those who moved out of the Parish because they could not find a suitable property and would like to move back; so do feel free to pass a copy of the survey on to them. Additional forms are available from the Parish Council. Please note the survey is to be returned to RCCE and all personal details will remain confidential to RCCE.
It is important we receive as many responses as possible, so please fill in the survey yourself and encourage or help your friends and neighbours to do so as well. The purpose is to see if there are households in the Parish or people with a strong local connection who are in need of affordable housing. After the survey is analysed, there will be further opportunities for residents to provide input through discussion group, information drop-ins and a residents’ referendum should this progress.
Affordable Housing is defined by the government as housing for sale or rent provided to local eligible households whose needs are not met by the open market.
The survey is a key starting point so that we can identify the extent and nature of the affordable housing need and so your views can be considered. Any decision taken will be based on all residents’ needs and opinions. Copies of the survey are being distributed to each household in the Parish.
This survey will be analysed by the Rural Community Council of Essex (RCCE). They are an independent charity which helps communities throughout rural Essex and have a great deal of experience in administering Housing Needs surveys. All responses are confidential and only aggregated results will be included in the final report to the Neighbourhood Plan team and Parish Council.
The availability of housing affordable to local people is an important ingredient in maintaining a well-balanced community and we thank you for taking time to read this and take part.
If you have any questions about completing the form or would like additional forms, please contact:
Rachel Fahie, Rural Housing Enabler by email at or on 01376 574330.
Thank you for your participation in this survey and helping to plan the future of our Parish.
Yours sincerely
Andrew Frater
Thaxted Parish Council
Rachel Fahie
Rural Housing Enabler
Rural Community Council of Essex