1. Sign-up Info

Thank-you for your interest in joining the WORX Tool Testers!

We are continuously working on innovative new yard tools and want to hear from you! From time to time we need consumers to test our products and tell us what they think.

It doesn't matter if you don't have much experience with yard tools, or have been using them for as long as you can remember, we want to hear from everyone.

If you are interested in testing a WORX yard tool and providing feedback, please sign up below so we can see how you fit in with what products we need to test.

Question Title

1. Please provide the following information so we may contact you regarding WORX product testing and special offers. This information will NOT be sold to a third party.

Question Title

2. Gender?

Question Title

3. Age Range

Question Title

4. Which of these best describes where you live:

Question Title

5. Which of these describe your yard? Select all that apply.