Teens Credit Card Evaluation (Student) Question Title * 1. On a scale of 1-10, please rate how much you enjoyed this workshop. 1 Not at all 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Loved it 1 Not at all 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Loved it Question Title * 2. What would you change about this workshop if you could? Question Title * 3. Please select what best describes your knowledge BEFORE taking this class. Disagree Not Sure Agree I understand the true costs of a credit card. I understand the true costs of a credit card. Disagree I understand the true costs of a credit card. Not Sure I understand the true costs of a credit card. Agree I know how to use a credit card responsibly. I know how to use a credit card responsibly. Disagree I know how to use a credit card responsibly. Not Sure I know how to use a credit card responsibly. Agree I know how to calculate the interest on credit card debt. I know how to calculate the interest on credit card debt. Disagree I know how to calculate the interest on credit card debt. Not Sure I know how to calculate the interest on credit card debt. Agree Question Title * 4. Please select what best describes your knowledge AFTER taking this class. Disagree Not Sure Agree I understand the true costs of a credit card. I understand the true costs of a credit card. Disagree I understand the true costs of a credit card. Not Sure I understand the true costs of a credit card. Agree I know how to use a credit card responsibly. I know how to use a credit card responsibly. Disagree I know how to use a credit card responsibly. Not Sure I know how to use a credit card responsibly. Agree I know how to calculate the interest on credit card debt. I know how to calculate the interest on credit card debt. Disagree I know how to calculate the interest on credit card debt. Not Sure I know how to calculate the interest on credit card debt. Agree Question Title * 5. Please select what best describes your behaviors BEFORE taking this class. Never Did Sometimes Always Did I have plans to use credit cards responsibly. I have plans to use credit cards responsibly. Never Did I have plans to use credit cards responsibly. Sometimes I have plans to use credit cards responsibly. Always Did I plan to build my credit score by using credit cards wisely. I plan to build my credit score by using credit cards wisely. Never Did I plan to build my credit score by using credit cards wisely. Sometimes I plan to build my credit score by using credit cards wisely. Always Did I plan to help others understand the true costs of credit cards. I plan to help others understand the true costs of credit cards. Never Did I plan to help others understand the true costs of credit cards. Sometimes I plan to help others understand the true costs of credit cards. Always Did Question Title * 6. Please select what best describes your behaviors AFTER taking this class. Won't Do Sometimes Will Do I have plans to use credit cards responsibly. I have plans to use credit cards responsibly. Won't Do I have plans to use credit cards responsibly. Sometimes I have plans to use credit cards responsibly. Will Do I plan to build my credit score by using credit cards wisely. I plan to build my credit score by using credit cards wisely. Won't Do I plan to build my credit score by using credit cards wisely. Sometimes I plan to build my credit score by using credit cards wisely. Will Do I plan to help others understand the true costs of credit cards. I plan to help others understand the true costs of credit cards. Won't Do I plan to help others understand the true costs of credit cards. Sometimes I plan to help others understand the true costs of credit cards. Will Do Question Title * 7. What changes do you plan to make because of this workshop? Question Title * 8. Will this workshop help you earn or save any money over the next 12 months? Please estimate how much. $0 About $5 About $20 About $100 About $500 About $1000 More than $1000 Question Title * 9. How did you arrive at the amount in question 5? Question Title * 10. Please share any other thoughts about the workshop here: Question Title * 11. Demographic Information (Voluntary):Directions:Please choose the answer that best describes you. Gender Age range Ethnicity State where program was taught Select Female Male Select Gender menu 10 or younger 11-13 14-15 16-18 19 or older Select Age range menu African-American Asian Caucasian Hispanic Native American Eskimo/Pacific Islander Other Select Ethnicity menu Alaska Washington Oregon Idaho Montana Other Select State where program was taught menu Done