TripleC Scotland DDN Talent Register Introduction TripleC, in collaboration with Sara Harkins, have been awarded funding by Screen Scotland to undertake a year-long programme which seeks to support deaf, disabled and/or neurodivergent (DDN) talent across Scotland. Amongst our in-person and online events and other work, this programme is building an online talent resource to support the industry to find and hire Scotland-based DDN talent at all career levels.This resource will be free to access. It is a live document that will be added to as more DDN talent sign up.If you would like to be included in this resource, please answer the questions on this form.Alternatively, you can email your answers to note that the information you give us will be publicly available online. Question Title * 1. Your name First name Last name Question Title * 2. Your job role / area Question Title * 3. Your email address Email address Question Title * 4. Upload a photo of yourself PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only. Choose File No file chosen Remove File Upload a photo of yourself Question Title * 5. Give a brief description of your image Question Title * 6. Provide a weblink to your work (this might be a website, Spotlight link, YouTube link etc) Question Title * 7. Is there any other information you would like us to try to include? Done