Thank you for your recent feedback. We are currently taking everyone's input and making enhancements. Now we'd like to get your feedback on one important document that you receive when you first buy a policy and at renewal - the declaration page. This is your 'official' insurance coverage and the form you'd send to a leasing office if you needed to provide proof you have insurance. It is similar to an itemized receipt - what did you get and how much.

Question Title

Here is a sample of the current declaration page. Your declaration page may have more (or less) info, depending on what state you live in. In this sample, we have a Florida resident, who would have a Hurricane Deductible. You may live in a state that has an Earthquake Deductible, or in a state with neither of these special deductibles.

<span style="font-size: 12pt;">Here is a sample of the current declaration page. Your declaration page may have more (or less) info, depending on what state you live in. In this sample, we have a Florida resident, who would have a Hurricane Deductible. You may live in a state that has an Earthquake Deductible, or in a state with neither of these special deductibles.</span>

Question Title

And here's the back side of the declaration page. Not everyone would have enough info to need the back side, but for our sample, we wanted to show more options.

And here's the back side of the declaration page. Not everyone would have enough info to need the back side, but for our sample, we wanted to show more options.

Question Title

* 1. Tell us what you think about the document:

  It needs a lot of work It is ok It is great
The length 
How easy it is to understand
If it told you what you needed to know
How it looks