Monday, May 22, 2023
9 AM- 12 PM
The Minority and Justice Commission hosts the Annual WA Supreme Court Symposium to educate the Justices on issues affecting people of color at all levels of state courts and make recommendations for improvement to ensure fair and equal treatment. The event is free and open to the public. 
Beyond the Bench: Exploring How a Judge’s Decisions Can Impact Health
A judge’s decisions can have an enormous impact on a person’s property, their family, and even their freedom. But what about their health? What about the health of their community? A growing body of research shows that judicial decisions play a huge role in population health and health equity.

A judge’s decisions may affect factors that are critical to individual and population health, such as housing stability, socio-economic position (including education and income), access to health care, structural racism, and the quality of the environment. Yet, judges are rarely given guidance and training on the impact they may have on such social determinants of health. This has to change.

To address this critical need, the 2023 Washington State Supreme Court/Minority & Justice Commission Symposium is honored to welcome Salus Populi: Educating the Judiciary about the Social Determinants of Health, a project in collaboration with the Center for Health Policy and Law at Northeastern University School of Law and the Institute for Health Equity and Social Justice Research at Northeastern University.
The Minority and Justice Commission is hosting the Annual WA Supreme Court Symposium in hybrid format this year, with the in-person event taking place at the Hilton Motif Seattle Hotel and streaming live via TVW.

Hilton Motif Seattle
1415 5th Ave.,
Seattle, WA 98101

Registration is open for in-person seating on a first-come, first-served basis. If we are approaching capacity limits, we will update the registration page and add you to our waitlist. 

Question Title

* 1. Are you interested in attending the Annual WA Supreme Court Symposium (choose one)?