What Matters: A Thriving Community

Thank you for attending Triangle Community Foundation's What Matters Community Luncheon on May 1 in Raleigh! We were so pleased to host 600 people and explore ideas together for our region to be a community where everyone can thrive.

Please help us plan for next year by filling out this brief survey below.

1.How did you first hear about What Matters?
2.What was your reason for attending the event? (Check all that apply)
3.What do you represent?
4.How satisfied were you with the overall event?
Very Unsatisfied
Very Satisfied
Venue and Location
Program Length
Program Interest and Value
Main Panel Discussion
5.How likely are you to...
Very unlikely
Very Likely
Attend another What Matters
Recommend attending What Matters to a friend
Engage with the Foundation beyond What Matters
Use the Foundation as a resource for your giving
Recommend the Foundation to a friend as a resource for their giving
6.Did you attend an opening session? If so, which one? 
7.How satisfied were you with the opening session you attended?
Very unsatisfied
Very Satisfied
8.How well do you feel you understand what Triangle Community Foundation does?
9.How well did you feel the Foundation communicated and prepared for the impact from the Teacher's Rally?
10.If the Foundation provided buses from RTP to What Matters in future years, would you be interested in utilizing it?
11.What did you leave What Matters inspired to do, to help the region be a place where everyone can thrive?
12.How can we improve future What Matters events? 
Current Progress,
0 of 12 answered