Copy of Covid19 Return Survey

1.What program(s) will your child(ern)Participate in This Summer (Please check all that apply)
2.Which statement best describes how your child(ren) feel about playing soccer during Covid-19
3.With the Cancellation of School Sports for fall 2020, would you be interested in programs that continue until Thanksgiving 2020?
4.As Soccer New Brunswick loosens restrictions around physical distancing at soccer, what are your biggest concerns with your child participating in soccer
5.What can FDSA do to alleviate any safety concerns surrounding your child(ren)'s participation this summer?
6.As Soccer NB Loosens Restrictions Associated with Covid 19, what are aspects of soccer you most look forward to returning. 
7.What areas aspects of our summer programming are most important to you as a parent as we return to play?
8.We are in continued need of volunteers, if you are able to volunteer can you please comment with your Name, Email, and Child's Age group below, so we can contact you about volunteering.
Current Progress,
0 of 8 answered