National Home Visiting Network: Parent Leader Application - Cohort 2

National Home Visiting Network

1.Name (first and last)(Required.)
2.Address (include City, State, Zip)(Required.)
3.Email (Required.)
4.Phone Number(Required.)
5.What is the current age(s) of your child/children who received home visiting services? (Note: We are looking for parenting adults who currently have children enrolled in a home visiting program.)
6.What is your relationship with the child/children in your care? (select one)(Required.)
7.Please specify your race/ethnicity. (Please select all that apply. Answer this question for yourself, not for the race/ethnicity of your children.)(Required.)
8.What home visiting resources/programs have you accessed/used? (Please select all that apply.)(Required.)
9.What child care resources/programs have you accessed/used? (Please select all that apply.)(Required.)
10.What additional resources/programs have you accessed/used? (Please select all that apply.)(Required.)
11.Are you connected to any national, state, or local parent affinity groups? (Examples: home visiting ambassador or alumni programs, parent/teacher organizations, formal and informal mom-and-me type groups, MomsRising, Parents Together, Parent Voices, United Parent Leader Network, or others.)(Required.)
12.If yes, please share the name of the group, the purpose, how often it meets, how long you have been involved, and your role in the group.
13.What do you hope to contribute to the National Home Visiting Network?(Required.)
14.What do you hope to learn from serving on the National Home Visiting Network?(Required.)
15.Will you be able to commit to three monthly virtual meetings, and one annual in-person meeting (for which overnight travel may be required)?
(Three monthly virtual meetings include the monthly meeting of the National Home Visiting Network Advisory Committee held on the third Wednesday of each month from 12:30-2 p.m. Eastern time, as well as a pre- and a post- meeting specific to parent leaders at a time to be determined.)
16.Do you have any concerns about serving as a parent representative on the National Home Visiting Network?(Required.)
17.If yes, please share your concerns.
18.Please share any additional questions or comments.
19.Please provide a reference from your home visiting program. This may be your home visitor, the program supervisor, or program director. (Name, Email, Phone Number)(Required.)
Current Progress,
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