Survey of Vermonters Age 60 and Older

The Vermont Department of Disabilities, Aging, and Independent Living (DAIL) wants to learn about older Vermonters' needs and aspirations to plan how best to serve Vermonters as we age.
This survey can be completed by anyone 60 or older who lives in Vermont. All answers are confidential and anonymous.
Please complete by September 27, 2024.

For questions about the survey, contact your Area Agency on Aging.
For questions about how the survey results will be used, contact Jason Pelopida, DAIL State Unit on Aging Director, at

1.What help do you need to live where you wish?
Need, get enough
Need, get some, not enough
Need, do not get
Do not need help
Don't need now, may in future
Preparing meals
Personal care (such as bathing, dressing, dressing, etc.)
Taking medication(s)
Home maintenance and yardwork
Keep track of bills and paying them on time
Home modifications
2.In getting the help you need, have you experienced any of the following problems?
Does not apply
Finding qualified help
Negative experiences with agencies providing help
Knowing where to look for help
Cannot afford help
Culture or language difficulties
Services not available where I live
Do not qualify for help
Prefer not to ask for help
3.What forms of transportation do you use?
Don't know about this
Drive my own vehicle
Walk to get what I need
Motorized scooter
Ride service (like Uber) or taxi
Driven by family member or friend
Public transportation (bus)
Transportation service for seniors and/or persons with disabilities
Not applicable - Never leave house
4.How easily can you get to the following? (Check one box for each place.)
Very Easy
Somewhat Easy
Somewhat Difficult
Very Difficult
Do Not Go Here
Medical Appointments
Grocery Store
Place of Worship
Family or Friends
Entertainment/Social Events
5.Do you agree with the following statements?
Does not Apply
I have sufficient income to keep my car running
I have access to affordable public transportation
I have nearby public transportation
I have transportation available at the time I need
I have transportation that takes me where I want to go
I have information about transportation options & schedules
6.Which of the following best describes your financial situation?
7.Falling is a risk factor for injury as we age. Have you taken any steps to reduce your risk of falling? For example: check vision, make changes in home (e.g., securing rugs, rearranging furniture), talk to health care provider to reduce risk of falling.
8.Do you know about and use the following? (Check one box for each type of care)
Currently Use
Don't use now, have in past
Would use, not available
Do not need, do not use
Don't know about this
Meals on Wheels
Food shelf or pantry
Three Squares VT
CSFP (Commodity Supplemental Food Program)
9.In the past year, how often have you worried whether your food would run out before you got more?
10.How much do you know about the following?
Know all about
Know some about
Do not know anything about
Senior Centers
Senior Help Line
2-1-1 Information Referral and Assistance
Local Area on Aging
Transportation Services
Volunteer Opportunities
Adult Protective Services
Legal assistance/Legal Aid
Respite care for family caregivers
Family caregiver support groups
11.Do you provide unpaid assistance to spouse, family member or friend? For example, help with housework, cooking, transportation, dressing, bathing, managing money, etc. (Check all that apply)
12.What year were you born?
13.What is your zip code?
14.What was your total household income last year?
15.Who lives with you? (Check all that apply.)
16.What is your gender?
17.What is your sexual orientation?
18.Do you consider yourself to be Hispanic or Latino?
19.How would you describe yourself? (Check all that apply.)