Free the Seed! listener survey

Thanks so much for listening! We'd love to hear from listeners about what's worked well, and what we can improve. Many thanks in advance for sharing your thoughts with us!

Question Title

* 1. Do you have any questions about OSSI, intellectual property rights, plant breeding, etc? Or any follow-up questions to previous episodes? Please share them! They might make it into a future episode! :) 

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* 2. How did you hear about the podcast?

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* 3. Which episode has been your favorite?

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* 4. How do you primarily listen to the show?:

Question Title

* 5. Would you recommend Free the Seed! to a friend?

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* 6. Tell us a bit about you! Which best describes you?

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* 7. We'd like a general sense of where our listeners are. Where do you live?

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* 8. Compared to before you listened to the podcast, how likely are  you now to:

  Much More Likely More Likely Somewhat More Likely Neutral Somewhat Less Likely Less Likely Much Less Likely I have already done this / already do this
Start your own plant breeding project?
Seek out OSSI-pledged seeds for your garden or farm?
Donate to OSSI?
Join the Open Source Plant Breeding Forum (online community)?
Seek out more information about plant breeding projects or intellectual property rights in crop plants

Question Title

* 9. For each of the items below, please indicate your level of satisfaction with the:

  Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied
Overall quality of the show
Frequency of new episodes
Show length
Production/sound quality

Question Title

* 10. Please share a few things that you like or dislike about Free the Seed! (If you answered 'dissatisfied' to any part of the previous question, please elaborate here.)