23157303 South Coast B1-D1-S09 Day 2 Summary- Collaboration & Flexibility Research Questions OK Instructions- You are required to research and answer each of the 5 questions below. Please ensure that you answer the question in full sentences using a minimum of 2 paragraphs OK Question Title * 1. Question 1- What does it mean to collaborate with others? OK Question Title * 2. Question 2- What are the benefits of collaboration? OK Question Title * 3. Question 3- What are collaboration skills? OK Question Title * 4. Question 4- What is flexibility in the workplace? OK Question Title * 5. Question 5- Why is flexibility important at work? OK Personal Questions OK Instructions- You are required to answer each of the 3 questions below. Please ensure that you answer the question in full sentences using a minimum of 2 paragraphs. The answers need to be based on your personal experiences OK Question Title * 6. Question 6- Discuss a time when you have had to collaborate with a group of people. What worked, What didn't work? OK Question Title * 7. Question 7- What are some of your personal attributes that can be used when collaborating in a group? OK Question Title * 8. Question 8- Discuss a time when you have had to be flexible- either in a Workplace or personal situation. OK Question Title * 9. Student Details Name * Email Address Phone Number OK DONE