Community Care
Students engage directly with the community and actively with others such as the elderly, those in nursing homes and those who live alone. They will investigate the work of caring organisations like Alone and Third Age who are leaders in the field of care for others. There are also opportunities to contribute positively to the physical environment and with many local organisations. This module develops character in our students and active social concern. It encourages them to use their talents and gifts in the service of others by providing them with new and challenging experiences. This is one of the most rewarding experiences in Transition Year.
This module allows students to gain experience in setting up a business with the creation of a new product. It will allow them develop skills such as teamwork, communication, report writing, organisation to name but a few. It gives the students the opportunity to develop skills in business etiquette and an understanding of the word of work, while improving written, oral and visual communication skills. The programme aims to enter competitions such as the Kildare Enterprise Awards, the Get Up And Go PDST Awards and the Griffith College Awards.
In this module students will work with Ms. Buttler to develop and choreograph several performances during the school year. Our students will get the opportunity to develop and display their musical, choral, comedic, dancing and dramatic talents both within the school and in the local community. This module is open to all students and has proven to be a very enjoyable and enriching experience for all.