Thank you from the Pastoral Search Committee

Dear Watertown Evangelical Free Church Family,

This survey is designed to assist the Pastoral Search Committee in our work to find the next man that God is preparing to lead WEFC into the future.  

Please prayerfully consider the questions and answer them as honestly and completely as possible.  The committee has worked hard to compile pertinent questions which will be helpful in defining who we are and where we want to go as a church body.  Your input into the process is crucial and highly valued by the committee.  We are inviting each member and attender 13 years old and over to complete a survey (only one response per person, please).  Please encourage your children (13+) to fill this out if they consider WEFC to be their home church.

We will begin compiling survey responses on July 18th,  so please complete the survey as quickly as possible and before that date. 

Thank you for participating in this survey.  Your thoughtful input is vital as we share who we are with potential candidates and as we complete our pastoral profile.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any of the Pastoral Search Committee at

Thank you for your continued support and prayers.