Park County Strategic Master Plan
What part of Park County do you live in? (Choose closest option)
Bailey Area (Including Crow Hill, Pine Junction)
Harris Park, Elk Creek, Forest Ridge (north of Bailey)
Alma - in town
Alma - Rural
Fairplay - in town
Fairplay - Rural
Antero Junction
Lake George
Indian Mountain, Buffalo, Elkhorn Ranches
I live outside the County
Age: What is your age group?
Under 18
65 and over
What is your primary source of income?
Employed - Full time
Employed - Part-time
Employed - Multiple jobs
Investments or Passive Income
Retirement, Social Security, or Pension
Unemployment, disability or Welfare
No income - Informal or unpaid work
No Income - Student
No Income - Other
What industry do you work in?
What best describes your commute to work?
Less than 5-miles
5-10 miles
10-20 miles
More than 20 miles
Varies depending on job/project
Work from Home
N/A - Not applicable
Household type:
Household With Children
Individual living alone
-- Select an option --
No children
Public school
Private school
Not school aged
Couple, no children
-- Select an option --
No children
Public school
Private school
Not school aged
Couple with children
-- Select an option --
No children
Public school
Private school
Not school aged
Single parent with children
-- Select an option --
No children
Public school
Private school
Not school aged
Roommates, friends or extended family
-- Select an option --
No children
Public school
Private school
Not school aged
Other (please specify)
Household Characteristics
What percentage of your monthly income goes towards housing?
Do you feel your current housing is affordable?
Do you have home or renter's insurance
Have you ever faced difficulties obtaining home or renter's insurance?
How important is it that your housing is insurable?
I own my home
-- Select an option --
Less than 25%
More than 50%
-- Select an option --
-- Select an option --
-- Select an option --
-- Select an option --
Not important
Somewhat important
Very important
I rent my home
-- Select an option --
Less than 25%
More than 50%
-- Select an option --
-- Select an option --
-- Select an option --
-- Select an option --
Not important
Somewhat important
Very important
I own a second home/part-time home in Park County
-- Select an option --
Less than 25%
More than 50%
-- Select an option --
-- Select an option --
-- Select an option --
-- Select an option --
Not important
Somewhat important
Very important
How far and how often do you drive for non-work trips?
Driving distance
< 1x per week
-- Select an option --
I stay within Park County
<10 miles
10-25 miles
25-50 miles
50-100 miles
100+ miles
1x per week
-- Select an option --
I stay within Park County
<10 miles
10-25 miles
25-50 miles
50-100 miles
100+ miles
2x per week
-- Select an option --
I stay within Park County
<10 miles
10-25 miles
25-50 miles
50-100 miles
100+ miles
3-4x per week
-- Select an option --
I stay within Park County
<10 miles
10-25 miles
25-50 miles
50-100 miles
100+ miles
Most Days
-- Select an option --
I stay within Park County
<10 miles
10-25 miles
25-50 miles
50-100 miles
100+ miles
Where do you go to for community? Select top three.
Local Restaurant , Bar or coffee shop
Community events
Local organization or club
School or church or non profit group
I get what I need with my family or significant other
Friends’ houses/private gatherings
Through work
Who needs community? I'm happy by myself.
Other (please specify)
Long-term vision for next 50-100 years:
What would you like to see for future generations in Park County? What could be done to make it easier for young people who grew up here to find opportunities to stay or to move back?
Future Improvements:
What areas do you think need the most improvement in your community? (Select all that apply)
Roadway safety
Law enforcement
Public transportation
Healthcare services
Senior services such as assisted living
Education system
Local affordable groceries
Recreational facilities
Environmental sustainability
Economic opportunities
Community water/sewer systems
Other suggestions for improving the community or quality of life:
Does your household do any sort of agricultural activity?
Raise animals commercially
Raise animals on a small scale or as a hobby
Grow crops commercially or for farmers’ market
Grow food crops for personal use
Hunt/fish for food
Harvest wild plants for food or medicine
Harvest or mill lumber
Process agricultural products grown/raised/harvested by others to sell commercially or at farmers’ markets.
Lease land for others to graze livestock or farm on
Work on a farm or ranch
Nothing currently, but I aspire to raise crops or livestock in the future.
On your own property should you be allowed to ______
Your neighbors on their property should be allowed to_______
Add an additional housing unit (like a mother-in-law unit or guest house) on a residentially zoned property that already has a single-family home?
NO: Residential neighborhoods are for single-family dwellings only.
ONLY IF: County prevents it from being used as a short-term rental.
ONLY IF: property is large (5-acres or more)
ONLY IF: property is in or near a town center or a compact development
CASE-BY-CASE BASIS: A public hearing should be required to obtain special permission from the County Commissioners. A public hearing would allow neighbors to speak out on any issues with the proposed project.
DEPENDS ON the subdivision. It should be allowed in some subdivisions, but shouldn’t be allowed in all subdivisions.
YES: As long as it conforms to setbacks, is NOT a tiny home, and is no taller than 3 stories.
YES: My neighbor and I should have the right to build an additional housing unit.
Other comments on allowing additional housing units:
On your own property should you be allowed to…..
Your neighbors on their property should be allowed to ……
Use a residentially zoned property for certain non residential uses or home occupations.
As working from home becomes a more popular option for Park County residents, how should the County regulate the expansion of home-based businesses?
Check all statements you AGREE with.
A home-based business in a residential zone where parcels are between 1-5 acres:
Should be allowed to have 2-3 on-site employees.
Should be allowed to have 3-5 customers/visitors per day.
Should be allowed to have 5-10 customers/visitors per day.
Should be allowed to expand into a new structure or into an office constructed as an attachment to the home.
Should be allowed to generate 2-3 truck deliveries per day.
Should be allowed to operate as long as neighbors are not exposed to excessive noise.
Should be allowed to build a neighborhood-scale retail storefront or gallery space on property.
Should be allowed to operate most business types as long as they are kept to a small scale.
Should be allowed to operate even if it grew to a medium-scale.
Should be required to move to a commercial space in town if it expands.
I don't agree- No one should have a home based business
Other considerations on how to regulate home-based businesses in residential zones:
Specific Uses: Check all potential uses that SHOULD be allowed on a property zoned RESIDENTIAL:
Restaurant, coffee shop
Bar/tavern/music venue
Venue for festivals or concerts
Short-term rental (like Air BnB or VRBO)
Boutique hotel or hostel
Campground or RV park with up to ten sites
Light industrial operation (manufacturing artisanal products such as clothing, food products, cosmetics, printing/publishing, welding, or furniture making).
Put up a cell tower, solar farm or windmill
Dog kennel
Grazing cattle, sheep or other livestock
Veterinarian clinic
Operate a mechanic’s garage
Use shipping containers for storage
Build/operate a church or religious establishment
Operate a group home, hospice facility, or supportive living facility
Hair salon
Dentist/doctor’s office
Corner store or small retail space
Shooting range, indoor
Do whatever you want on your own property
Raise chickens to sell meat and/or eggs
Have Roosters
Tiny homes
A small commercial marijuana grow
Nothing but residential should be allowed on residential
Other comments on what should or should not be allowed on residential properties:
Rural Mountain Character:
Preserving rural mountain character is important for many Park County residents. While rural mountain character has many aspects, which is the most important for the County to focus on preserving or enhancing?
(check top 3)
Social character
- Preserve and enhance the places where people gather, socialize, recreate and visit.
Social character
- isolation is part of what defines the experience of the County. Growth in population or tourism needs to preserve the sense of isolation.
Social character
- tight-knit community is enhanced by traditional village layout
Rugged Individualism
– The attitude of self-reliance that has historically gone along with living in the remote mountains matters more than aesthetics or other specific changes.
Architectural character
- maintain continuity with historical styles
Natural character
– preserve habitat, open range, viewsheds and natural environment
Economic character
- preserve traditional ways of life and making a living. Prioritize agricultural and mining history/activity as a way of life.
Economic character
- prioritize locally owned, small business over chain stores and large retail outlets.
Town Character
– preserve or enhance the role of towns as gathering spaces and centers of activity for residents in rural hinterland
Subdivision Character
– I’m most concerned about preventing change or growth in my subdivision or neighborhood.
Subdivision character
– I’m concerned about the impact of the eventual development of vacant subdivisions throughout the County that have platted out many small lots.
Wildlife corridors and wilderness preservation:
Does WIldlife need an advocate in Park county?
How should future development be constrained to also preserve habitat/nature?
Which of the following steps should the County prioritize to support wildlife corridors and preserve habitat and wilderness? (Select all that apply)
Discourage or prevent new subdivisions in high-priority habitat and migration corridors
Require new subdivisions to include conservation easements to preserve habitat and migration corridors
Offer tax incentives for wildlife corridor preservation
Make establishment of conservation easement on private land a simple process
Limit development rights on small lots in subdivisions that have had over 80% vacancy for over ten years (Mostly in the central Hartsel area)
Sell/transfer development rights in undeveloped areas to property owners in areas where the County wants to encourage development
Make expansion or contribution to a conservation easement/wildlife corridor a condition for high-impact development
Preserve and expand high-quality wetlands and monitor their overall footprint by land area
Mitigate overgrazing practices
incentivize property owners to consolidate lots.
Retain water rights within the county Buy back land for wilderness preservation
Work with landowners to preserve water access for fishing
Construct wildlife overpasses or crossings
Create a regional/national park system
Enhance access to open space areas to provide equitable recreational opportunities for all residents and visitors
Work with local guides to develop wildlife and wilderness tourist economy to fund the preservation of wilderness
Additional Priorities - Is there anything else that the County should prioritize for "Wildlife Corridors and Wilderness Preservation"? If so, add your suggestions here:
is a significant part of Park County’s economy, yet many potential visitors drive through the County on their way to other mountain destinations. –
What can Park County do to get more potential visitors to stop in the County to spend more time and support the local economy?
Check all that you AGREE with:
Enhance trails, build new trails.expansion of trail networks in Park County. Coordinate and link hiking/biking trails
Encourage more lodging/hotels
Encourage development of more campsites/RV parks
Enhance public space & facades in town centers- more “cute” downtowns
More/better signage for existing amenities
More restaurants
Enhancement of amenities in natural areas, near lakes and streams for multi day camping or summer camping
Support more festivals and events
Develop more variety of activities in and near town centers
Enhance awareness of fishing opportunities
Develop winter activities such as snowmobiling or cross-country skiing.
Financial support for rehab and re-use of historic buildings
Promote and protect natural, historic, and cultural resources
Host athletic, arts, and heritage special events
Develop museums
Market outdoor recreation and heritage touring
Develop/incentivize affordable Employee housing
Create an outdoor wilderness recreation brand
Promote an agriculture tourism economy
Improve access to public lands
Become an international dark skies community
Support local artists, entrepreneurs - work to develop local film economy
Create a market for local food producers
More tourism would spoil local treasures. I don’t want outsiders to discover the places/activities I like.
Other (please specify)
What landmarks, historic sites, memorable places of natural beauty could be enhanced as destinations for the community and visitors?
Economic Development:
If you could direct a $1 million grant toward a project, new business, industry, or service in your part of the county, what would have the greatest impact?
Road Maintenance:
Park County is a pass-through county with a very low mil levy, low property taxes, and very little commercial development to fund roads, bridges, infrastructure, sheriff (only patrols an 12-hour shift) and other amenities. The Pavement Condition Index (PCI ) scores are failing for roads across the county. Park County recognizes that road maintenance is a significant issue. The budget for road maintenance comes mostly from HUTF funds (from taxes paid on gas), and state and federal grants - and the Road and Bridge Department is allocated a portion of the County’s general fund.
To improve quality on county roads, which of the following funding possibilities would you SUPPORT:
Debrucing the county: rolling back TABOR to make it easier to fund roads/ sheriff and other emergency services
A 1% voter-approved tax increase for roads
Mill levy increase
Hospitality tax to pay for the roads
Toll Roads - pay to play
Fundraising - such as monthly chili cook offs to fund roads
Free Market Responsibility: Reduce number/length of County roads to be maintained by turning some County roads over to HOAs for private maintenance and plowing
Prioritizing roads according to the number of structures they serve
Bonds or low-interest loans: Issue bonds to spread the cost over time and allows for immediate funding.
Fuel tax increase
Local Sales Taxes: Add a 1% sales tax
Special Districts: Establish special road improvement districts where property owners pay an additional tax for road maintenance and upgrades within their district.
Voter-approved initiatives or referendums for dedicated public road funding through local ballot measures.
Water Tax: Add a tax to water removed from the county for the front range to pay for roads
Adopt a pothole in Park county- individuals can pay to fix potholes on the roads they use
Keep things the way they are.
I want the roads fixed but I expect the funding to come from outside sources such as
state or federal grants
. I don’t support paying for road improvements through County taxes or fees.
Which of the following would you be willing to support through a slight increase to property or sales tax? Check all that apply:
Improved road maintenance
Building/maintaining trails
Recreation Center
Health District or medical clinic
Community water supply/sewer system
Child Care center
Hosting more public events and festivals
Support for the creation of more affordable workforce and senior housing options
public parks, playgrounds, sports facilities
Wildfire risk reduction measures (such as bringing a wood chipper to communities)
24-hour sheriff patrol vs 12-hr shift only
Nothing - No improved services.
Other (please specify)
Industrial Zone
Where should industry, mining, asphalt, etc. be permitted?
Park County needs places where industrial uses can take place. This includes things like an asphalt plant, mining, processing materials, and other activities that create truck traffic, noise, odors, dust and vibrations.
Such activities should generally be discouraged in or adjacent to population centers, yet the jobs and products they create depend on proximity to population centers, major transportation routes and other resources.
Park County is looking for guidance in how to regulate the siting of industrial uses. Considering larger parcels that are not in or directly adjacent to a residential zone, but that are near a major road and within 1-3 miles of a town center. Industrial zones are typically locations that have been chosen for having less potential impact on residents, but still close to transportation facilities and where potential labor will commute from. Industrial sites are selected to minimize impacts, but it is often a challenge to accommodate industrial uses and completely mitigate all impacts.
For this question, consider a use such as an asphalt plant, a meat processing facility, a gravel pit, power station or similar industrial use that may cause noise, traffic and/or odors.
An Industrial zone or operation should:
(check all you AGREE with)
Be at least ¼ mile from ANY residence.
Be at least ¼ mile from a neighborhood.
be at least ½ mile from ANY residence.
Be at least ½ mile from a neighborhood.
be at least ½ mile from any vacant property where a residence could potentially be built at some point in the future
require visual separation from residences within ½ mile
ensure that nearby residences experience NO detectable noise.
ensure that nearby residences experience Minimal detectable noise during daytime hours
The County should limit locations where industry is permitted to one or two areas within the County.
The County needs industry, and impacts on neighbors should be reasonably mitigated, but causing some nuisance to some neighbors is OK.
Industry has too many negative side effects and should not be allowed anywhere in the County.
Aging in place:
Park County has an aging population. As people age, their needs change. Key considerations in maintaining a high quality of life for an aging rural population include:
In ten years, a significant portion of the population over 65 (19% of the population) will need a greater level of service, including transportation, supportive housing.
As your needs and abilities change due to age, which best describes how you expect the way you (or elderly members of your community) live to change?
I will move closer to a city, health care facility or family as my needs change.
I will try to stay in Park County as long as possible living on my own
I will build an additional housing unit where a caretaker or family member can stay to assist me or help keep up the property.
I would like to have the option to move to another location within Park County that is close to support/services, including transportation, shopping, social activities, and proximity to town.
I would like to have assisted living services available.
I would like to have the option to move to a smaller house (or a house without stairs, or a wood stove, or with more modern conveniences).
I will rely on local neighbors and services within the county.
How safe do you feel in your community?
Very safe
Somewhat safe
Somewhat unsafe
Very unsafe
Describe specific safety concerns (optional):
Health Care:
How important is it to you that a health care clinic or emergency services be located near where you live?
Not important
Somewhat important
Very Important
Check all that apply to your lifestyle in Park County:
Rural on <40 acres plot
Rural on <6-39 acres plot
Rural on <3-5 acres plot
Rural on >3 acres plot
Community water system
Have a well
Haul water
Live completely off-grid?
My home is connected to water, sewer, gas, electric service.
Off of electric grid (solar, wind, on-site generation)
No natural gas
Wood heating only
No septic/sewer -- composting or incinerating toilet
No septic/sewer -- vault toilet/camper/RV
No phone/cell service
I have Starlink internet
I have another internet or broadband service
I grow or raise most of what I eat
4WD access only
I use the public library
I Rely on the county to plow my roads
I plow and maintain my own road
Experience working with County:
If you have had experience working with the County getting building permits in the last five years, please rank the quality of your interaction with the County:
Not applicable. I have not worked with the County in the last five years.
Very satisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Given the prevalence of unpermitted builds, what it would take to increase willingness to go through the permitting process?
CDOT roads run through most communities in Park County and often serve as the main street through town. When considering the state roads running through your community, which of the following apply:
Traffic feels safe. No significant issues.
Traffic moves too fast.
Feels safe to walk through communities along state roads.Feels safe to cross state roads on foot within communities
Feels unsafe to walk through communities along state roads. Can’t walk/bike to downtown or can’t safely leave your neighborhood walking/biking.Feels unsafe to cross state roads on foot within communities
Road through town is not designed to encourage visitors to stop
Road through town needs improvements such as sidewalks/ streetscape/ trees/ signs/ Better lighting
Road design encourages unsafe turning movements. There are too many driveways or intersections for how fast traffic moves. There is at least one dangerous intersection that needs improvement
Specific intersections or locations of safety issues you would like to make the County aware of:
How important is it for Park County to prioritize the redevelopment or reuse of former mining sites:
Very important - I would like to see these sites redeveloped
Somewhat important
Not very important - Just let nature take them back
The County cannot control whether or not the population grows or whether or not Park County will continue to be an attractive destination for tourists, new residents and businesses. However, if people continue moving to Park County, the County can take measures to influence the pattern of growth. Many people move to Park County to live in remote locations close to nature, however, if hundreds of new homes are built in remote locations close to nature, we risk destroying habitat, interrupting migration routes and obstructing the views and pristine character of the landscape that defines the County.
Which of the following best describes how you feel about new development in Park County?
The County should encourage new developments to be clustered together
more like historic town centers
of Hartsel, Fairplay, Alma, Jefferson, Guffey or Como. This makes it efficient to install shared utilities such as gas, water or sewer.
The County should encourage developments
more like Pine Junction or Indian Mountain
. When homes are far apart, each home requires its own water source, septic system, propane tank, and added costs of extending roads and power across greater distances.
Most new development should be
spread out
. The rural character of Park County is best preserved when people live in isolated homes on large-acreage lots. Each household is responsible for their own water, septic, propane, electric, internet and maintaining their own roads
New development should be encouraged
in and adjacent to historic town centers
like Hartsel, Guffey, Como, Jefferson and Bailey.
New development should be encouraged to cluster enough to support
shared utilities and infrastructure
, reducing the overall cost of development.
New development should be encouraged
as infill
within existing subdivisions and communities by allowing for smaller lots and/or additional dwelling units.
Prefer not to answer
Are you a veteran?
Do you have a disability?
Current Progress,
0 of 33 answered