2024 WSADCP Conference Exit Survey

2024 WSADCP Conference Exit Survey

1.How many days did you attend the conference(Required.)
2.How satisfied were you with the conference venue at the DoubleTree Suites by Hilton located at 16500 Southcenter Parkway.(Required.)
Not at all Satisfied
Partially Satisfied
More than Satisfied
Very Satisfied
3.Where did you stay during the conference?(Required.)
4.How satisfied were you with your accommodations at the DoubleTree Suites or other hotel?(Required.)
Not rating this question as I made other arrangements or commuted daily.
Not at all Satisfied
Partly Satisfied
More than Satisfied
Very Satisfied
5.How easy was it to understand the information about the conference listed on the wsadcp.org website?(Required.)
6.How satisfied were you with presentations you attended at the conference?(Required.)
Not at all Satisfied
Partly Satisfied
More than Satisfied
Very Satisfied
7.How satisfied were you with the conference registration process?(Required.)
Not at all Satisfied
Partly Satisfied
More than Satisfied
Very Satisfied
8.How satisfied were you with the conference vendors?(Required.)
Very unsatisfactory
Very Satiffactiry
9.I was satisfied with the overall quality of the conference?(Required.)
Not at all Satisfied
Partly Satisfied
More than Satisfied
Very Satisfied
10.As a result of my attendance, my knowledge of the subject matter improved.(Required.)
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
On a scale of 0 to 10,
How likely is it that you would recommend this conference to a friend or colleague?
0 for Not at all likely, 10 for Extremely likely
Not at all likelyExtremely likely
12.Do you plan on attending this conference in 2025?(Required.)
Not Sure
13.Plese share any comments on how to about how to improve the conference or presentation topics or presenters for the 2025 conference.(Required.)
14.Please enter your email address(Required.)