Dear Client

Your feedback, including complaints, are an important us. The information gathered in these surveys is used to improve our services and is included in our quality improvement strategies. We also use the data gathered (non-identifying) to report to our Board and funding bodies. Any issues or complaints will be addressed as per our Client Complaints Policy.

Typically, this survey takes 5 minutes to complete. 
If you have a specific complaint you would like to discuss privately, please email our CEO or phone 6122 7000.

Thank you for providing your feedback on your time with us.

Question Title

* 1. What is your name? (you don't have to tell us if you want to stay anonymous)

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* 2. On what date did you exit Toora services


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* 3. Which Toora service are you exiting from?

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* 4. Which Toora service did you first enter?

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* 5. What was the primary issue that you came to Toora for?

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* 6. Did you work on any secondary issue/s while at Toora? (you can tick more than one answers below)

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* 7. How important was it for you to be in a women's only service?

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* 8. Could you tell us which of the following best describes your cultural background?