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Survey due February 25th, Please take it now

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* 1. Are you an Artist in Central Oregon? What medium do you work in?

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* 2. Dry Canyon Arts Association is the Redmond baseed art club, are you a member?

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* 3. The June 5th event is an indoor Art Show, limited to 20 exhibitors to be held at High Desert Music Hall in Redmond. Are you interested in participating in this show?

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* 4. The cost to participate is $50 for DCAA members, $65 for non members.  2 more shows are in the works for 2021.   You would save cost by joining the DCAA. Do you want to join the DCAA?

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* 5. Do you want to be put on the Dry Canyon Arts Association email list for future notifications?

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* 6. The next DCAA Art show is scheduled for July 24th to coordinate with Redmond's BBB (Bacon, Brew and Balloons) Festival. The Art show will be held in the High Desert Music Hall's parking lot. Are you interested in showing your work at this show?

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* 7. The 3rd DCAA Art Show will be held on Nov 12-13 at the Hgh Desert Music Hall.  Are you interested in showing your work at that show?

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* 8. Now that you know about the DCAA Art Show schedule are you interested in joining the DCAA?

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* 9. You can contact the Dry Canyon Arts Association here:

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