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At Cure JM, Grandparents have always played a special role in supporting our families and supporting Cure JM's mission.  

Your responses below will help Cure JM's Grandparent Council plan our work for the coming year.  We appreciate your time and any thoughts you might be willing to share.

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* 1. Name 

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* 2. Relationship with child living with JM

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* 3. Which of these priorities interest you?

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* 4. What topics would you find interesting for a Cure JM Town Hall?   Town Halls are Q&A with doctors and experts that you can join by phone or computer.

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* 5. Would you be interested in volunteering for Cure JM Foundation from home?

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* 6. Would you like Randy Putt, Chair of the Grandparent Council, to call you to learn more about Cure JM's Grandparent Council?  

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* 7. What other comments or suggestions do you have for Cure JM?

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